Why should commercial business owners invest in solar?

January 21, 2022

Australian business owners greatly contribute to the Australian economy and thus every year the number of business owners are increasing at a steady rate. However, running a business in Australia comes with its own challenges, one of the major challenges being cash flow and rising overheads. One of the biggest overheads for the businesses is rising electricity prices. Australia pays some of the highest electricity prices in the world. Thus the competition of sustaining in the market is getting really competitive. Moreover, modern consumers demand the businesses they operate with should take a stronger stance on sustainability and environmental responsibility. A commercial solar system has a strong business case – it can immediately lower the operating costs of a business and provide long term price stability. It also delivers a level of environmental responsibility that consumers expect.

Commercial Solar power is economical right now!

The prices of commercial solar power are set to climb drastically in the coming few months as the rebates have reduced this year and the energy crisis is taking over. An article published by PV magazine recently states that the end of coal is coming three times faster than expected. So we can all conclude how the energy crisis and demands for solar panels are going to affect the prices of the solar power system in the near future.

Just by employing the sun, commercial PV systems can generate electricity at a lower cost than purchasing entirely from the grid. Your payback time for the system can usually be about 5-6 years for the commercial PV system. Later, the system starts paying for itself. Moreover, it increases the value of the building. Lastly but not the least the government provides solar rebates, grants and tax breaks.

Warranty and Workmanship

For the best future of your investment, make sure to prefer high quality panels and inverters, which have the product warranty at least up to 10 years and more. We at Savvy Solar offer high quality products for your residential and commercial property backed up by high warranties for the peace of mind for the lifespan of solar PV systems. 

What about batteries?

While it always depends on the unique needs of a business, given the amount of consumption a commercial building will have, battery storage is even more unattractive for commercial installations than it is for residential installs. Unless your business has some kind of critical need for energy storage and backup power, it’s better to save your money (or funnel it into an even larger solar array) than to buy battery storage.

Last step

Shop around for the quality not price when looking for a commercial system. Get at least 3 quotes and see what works out best for your business. Also remember, saving on electricity bills can save huge on electricity bills and help you contribute to your carbon footprints. Speak to one of the SolarBridge consultants today and get your obligation free solar quote.